If you have ever walked the path of growth and change, there always comes a time when you realise that the old ways are no longer supporting the new ones!
A lot of times when I look back towards my journey of transformation, one of the biggest breakthrough and yet the most challenging part for me was to let go of the old ways. Time and again, I see most of my clients facing this obstacle.
So what could the old ways be?
Thought patterns
Change is always uncertain and it’s also true how we are all wired to be afraid of the unknown. I understand how growth, change, development can be terrifying. When we come to a point where what we once believed to be our truth is challenged, it can a strange process if taken alone.
Transformation only happens when the old ways go, if they don’t nothing has really changed. Let’s look at your life. Take account of whatever you are working on right now and ask: Is there something that needs to go in order for something new to emerge?
Look at your business, is there a certain strategy or approach that no longer supports the growth of your path and mission?
Look at your business, is there a certain strategy or approach that no longer supports the growth of your path and mission?
With your career and professional success, take a look at how fulfilled you feel. Do you need to let go the learning, stream, area of expertise because it’s not what makes you happy anymore?
When you look at your health, are there patterns that don’t serve you but you are habituated to them?
Have you ever wondered why we hold on to these old ways? Maybe it’s because we don’t have clarity about the new ones. Ever single coaching session I’ve ever done has reaffirmed one truth time and again, The biggest reason people don’t change is because they have not explored on how to change. We all the rules, we are all full up with knowledge but what more than often people lack is the process of implementation which comes from clarity and help.
Change requires Courage. A sort of faith that you can continue standing and moving with your new ways while quietly putting down the old ones.