I'm Beautiful from within
Signature Group coaching
08 Weeks Program
Do you remember who you were before you moulded yourself to the world around you? Before the expectations, the roles, the pressure?
You see, once upon a time, you were truly yourself, your best real self. No one had to tell you that you are good, for you believed that you were special. You were born unique, you embraced that uniqueness, you just knew you were special. You did not need anyone to tell you anything for you to believe in your own uniqueness.
IMBFW Group Coaching is an online program that takes place over the course of eight weeks. Session by session you’ll uncover the unconscious patterns of thought, behavior, and belief that define you today while deliberately creating who you must be to reach your next level. You'll eliminate outdated, unwanted patterns to reveal a clear path to true fulfillment: the way back to you.
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Your transformation will happen in a 5 step process called CROWN
Step 1
Core, your truth- Many people go through life without ever digging deep to figure out what is meaningful and impactful to them. This is one of the reasons why people become distracted by power or material wealth and lose track of what truly matters. We never find out why we are the way we are and end up pursuing someone else’s idea of success.
Your core is made of the values that are the principles you live by. They’re the standards that you set for yourself about what is good, fair and meaningful in the world. They determine what you seek out and what you avoid, what you enjoy and what you find draining. Your values determine your actions.
Finding your own unique value system and implementing it is your first step in transformation.
Step 2
Redesign your reality- Nothing in this world is so elusive yet so powerful as our beliefs. They have the power to dictate the direction of our lives, for good or bad, and they seemingly come out of nowhere. But the thing is, they actually do come from somewhere. So where do your beliefs really come from?
Simply put, they are developed as a child and stick with you (like glue!) into adulthood.
Most people are completely oblivious to the power that their own thoughts have. Beliefs carry emotion, and emotion turns to action. Those beliefs then influence the way we live. Whether you hold negative or positive beliefs about relationships, finances or your own abilities, they all carve out the path that is your life.
That’s not to say that you’re stuck with the limiting beliefs you developed as a child. Negative beliefs can be changed; all it takes is digging a little deeper. And in doing so, you can change the course of your life for the better.
Changing your own belief system and creating one that empowers you, is your second step
Step 3
Oath to self- It’s a question as old as time: “What is my purpose in life?” As far back as the fourth century BC, Aristotle was pondering life’s purpose and developing his theory of teleology, or the idea that everything in life has purpose. In today’s fast-paced, technology-filled world where we are being pulled in many directions at once, finding the purpose of life seems more important than ever.
Many people spend their lives reacting to situations instead of being proactive and figuring out the needs and values that drive them. Even when they think they know their purpose, they often mistake it with a short-term goal. Many others who are asking themselves this question truly want to find meaning – but they have no idea how to find purpose in life
FINDING YOUR TRUE PURPOSE OF LIFE, your answer to “ WHY AM I HERE?”, Giving your life true meaning is your THIRD STEP in transformation.
Step 4
Wings of courage- Most people stop here in life. Everything around you in your life right now once started out as just a thought, a desire, an inspired moment. You now have the power to take your current thoughts, your own PURPOSE and turn them into a tangible, promising future.
Create your compelling future. Build the life of your dreams. Make your purpose into goals that will drive you – goals with some power behind them.
After all, goals are just dreams with deadlines.
CREATING AN ACTION PLAN for your purpose is your fourth step in transformation.
Step 5
Now fly- Once we have all of this, we create a blueprint that you can carry on with you for the rest of your life.
When the going gets tough, many people will choose to avoid, deny or escape by shutting down, self-destructing, running away or giving up their visions and dreams — rather than insisting on success by taking unrelenting, massive action.
Here in this step you will create a blueprint that will help you remain this person no matter what the circumstances.